A Journey for Our Daughter

We are Mark and Kari. This blog was created for family and friends to follow along on our adventure to Nanning, China, for our daughter, Thea QiuXiang. We are home now, posting updates about our own little Wonderful World as a family of 7!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our First Day with Thea

So sorry for the delay! The internet was down for a day :(

WARNING – I’m not a short & sweet blogger :) It is hard to decide where to start and what to include when describing our afternoon meeting Thea. There is so much and this could get really long! I don’t want to forget anything.
The four couples in our group gathered in the lobby at 3:30p, then took a 15 minute bus ride the Nanning Civil Affairs Office. When we walked in, there were babies screaming and crying, in separate rooms for “reunions” everywhere. We were told that there were over 20 couples from different agencies getting their babies today. We walked down a long hallway and into a room where 3 other couples had just received their children. One was Mark and Denise, who we met at breakfast. Their daughter was smiling and very happy, giving Denise a run for her money on the little slide in the room.
I asked Mark (Denise’s husband) if he would video when we received Thea. He was able to video the entire meeting. Unfortunately, I think we only got one or two photographs.
Our guide announced that the children would be brought in and Thea would be first. I looked into the hallway and she was standing next to her best friend, Sophia, and her nanny. I waved to her and she got a big smile on her face:) She had on a cute little white dress, with red polka dot ribbons and sparkly red shoes.
They walked into the room and the smiling stopped . . .the screaming, crying and fear took over. Our poor daughter was wailing and absolutely beside herself. Kam became so upset that he started sobbing. Poor thing was so concerned about her that he was an emotional wreck, even more than Mark or I.
As I tried to talk to Thea, Sophia was brought in for Lisa and Chuck. She was doing very well, happy, okay with the situation, UNTIL she saw Thea. Sophia became very upset that Thea was crying. She started to get in between all of us and pushed me away. If Kam tried to touch Thea, Sophia pushed his hands and gave the “don’t you dare look” :) Before today, Lisa and I wondered if the girls were really best friends at the orphanage. The relationship we saw and series of events were confirmation that they truly are. Thea calls Sophia “mei mei” (little sister).
Instead of asking questions, or sitting down with the director for a little while, David wanted to take the children back to the hotel. He said that Thea was too upset to stay and that we should get her out of there. He asked if we would keep Thea and Sophia together for a while, instead of going to our separate rooms.
I took Thea’s hand (she held it, quite unwillingly) and led her to the bus. She cried the entire time. We went back to the hotel, where Mark, Kam and I, along with Lisa, Chuck, Shawn and Nora went to our room. We attempted everything we could possibly think of to offer the girls – babydolls, chocolate, food, soccer ball, you name it. By this time, the crying had stopped a little and I started getting lots of nasty looks :) There wasn’t a thing I offered that Thea would take, at least not on “my terms”! Sophia would watch Thea, to see what she was going to do first. She wanted so badly for Thea to accept something, so that she could!! I can tell you one thing – the “stubborn and strong-willed” description of my daughter from her nannies is very, very accurate!
I had bought them a little “best friends” necklace, the kind where each friend gets half of a heart. They let me put it on them and I could tell that they thought it was very neat.
We received a phone call from David, to meet in the business center, to fill out paperwork for the girls. We went down and had to sign several forms and then mark them with red thumb prints. Thea had to put her foot in red ink and stamp it onto the paper. It made her giggle for the first time. I asked David to find out what her favorite things were. She said “ice cream and horses”.
Our missing luggage arrived just before we were to leave the business center. I was so excited. I opened up the suitcase and pulled out the doll. I showed it to Thea and asked her if she would like to hold it. You could tell that she REALLY wanted to, but no way, no how was she going to give in while she was in front of everyone! I finally asked Kam to set the doll on the table. While everyone had their back turned, she picked it up and smiled really hard. Then she cradled the doll and kept it with her the rest of the night.
After the paperwork for the day was complete, we all went to dinner together, at a restaurant right around the corner from the hotel. David had Thea walk around the restaurant and point to all of the things that she liked. She started to smile and I could tell that she was feeling pretty important. We had a nice time at dinner and Thea started to show more smiles. It was nice that Sophia and another baby from the orphanage were with us. Thea is very motherly. It is obvious that she helped take care of Sophia. The two of them have a really special bond. Of course, I HAD to order Thea ice cream for dessert (she wanted chocolate) and she shared it with Sophia, feeding her a bite whenever she wanted.
As we walked back to the hotel, I wondered if we were in for another screaming episode when we had to separate the girls for the night. I asked David to explain to Thea that we were going to go to separate rooms, but we would be together again in the morning. As we went our separate ways, Thea seemed fine. I did get a few nasty looks, nose up in the air, arm pulling episodes, but that is okay.
We went back into the room and had SO MUCH FUN trying to get to know Thea. She was enamored with the DVD player and wanted to watch Nemo. She watched it for quite a while, and then wanted to keep switching the movies. I pulled up pictures on the computer and showed her pictures I had with me. Unfortunately, they did not send the digital photobook I had made for her, so I don’t know for sure that she got it. Minute by minute, she started to interact with us. Pretty soon, she pulled out her backpack (the nannies sent her with a backpack full of her notepads and schoolbooks) and wanted to show us her schoolwork. She was SO excited to show us a card she made for us (I have no idea what it says yet) and a picture with a house, clouds and a sun. She pulled out schoolbooks that showed all the reading and math she has been working on. She took out a piece of paper and started writing her ABC’s!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was VERY proud of herself. We praised her non-stop and the showing-off went on for a while. Her schoolwork was amazing. She is super neat and all of the paperwork looks equivalent to things Kam has been doing in school.
Speaking of Kam, I haven’t mentioned that he has spent the entire afternoon doing everything humanly possible to try and make her happy. He tries to hold her hand, he caresses her head whenever she will let him and he pulls out everything he can think of to show her. He has offered her his Chinese money and every toy in our room. He was really excited when she became interested in his Nintendo DS. They sat on the bed together for a while and he showed her how to play it. I truly have the most tender-hearted, compassionate little boy in the world. Mark and I could not be more proud of him!!
After several hours of our time in the room, I took her to the bathroom and showed her the shower. She got undressed without a fuss and let me wash her hair and then her body. We put on clean pajamas and I asked her to brush her teeth.
Poor baby needs MAJOR dental work. Her gums began bleeding a lot. Her breath is really, really, really bad, I can visibly see several cavities right on her teeth and she needs an orthodontist. She has a very large mouth and a beautiful big smile. Unfortunately, her teeth need to be moved and straightened quite a bit. Can we all say “anesthesia”!!
To end the night, Thea climbed into the bed next to ours, covered up and went to sleep quietly, with a babydoll on each side of her pillow.
What a day! I suppose I’ve written enough. I promise the rest of the entries won’t be this long.
Enjoy the photos.
Off to bed.


Anonymous said...

You could never write too much about this amazing journey. She is beautiful.

The Randles Family

Kate said...

She is lovely and I enjoyed every word you wrote. Congratulations to your family. We pray that the rest of your time in China and your travels home are safe and joyous.


Anonymous said...

Thea is beautiful!! We can't wait to meet her! Still hoping and praying the transition is super smooth!! We love you all so much. Saw Janie and Ben at school briefly today and they were having tons of fun! (Eva was in the other class, saw her through the window playing) May God bless you all!
Joey, Emily, Jonah, Micah and Ayla

P.S. Wait until you see our new LIME green kitchen!! It is BRIGHT!!

Anonymous said...


We are so happy for you all! We will continue to pray for your family. We can't wait to meet Thea. She is beautiful! Isn't God awesome!

David, Barb & Mollie (in Guangzhou)